
Showing posts from April, 2023

Stoïcisme: Het geheime ingrediënt voor ondernemerssucces

Introductie Het stoïcisme, een filosofische stroming die zijn oorsprong vindt in het oude Griekenland, heeft talloze mensen geholpen bij het vinden van evenwicht, gemoedsrust en innerlijke kracht in hun leven. In dit artikel zullen we de kernprincipes van het stoïcisme onderzoeken en laten zien hoe ze kunnen bijdragen aan het succes van een ondernemer. Hoofdstuk 1: De basisprincipes van het stoïcisme en verantwoord ondernemerschap In dit eerste hoofdstuk introduceren we de vier kardinale deugden van het stoïcisme - wijsheid, moed, rechtvaardigheid en zelfbeheersing - en bespreken hoe ze kunnen bijdragen aan verantwoord ondernemerschap. 1.       Wijsheid: Wijsheid stelt ondernemers in staat om weloverwogen beslissingen te nemen en de gevolgen van hun acties te begrijpen. Door een breder perspectief te hanteren en zowel korte- als langetermijndoelen te overwegen, kunnen ondernemers betere strategische keuzes maken. Wijsheid helpt ondernemers ook te begrijp...

Sven Van Zanten - The Solar Power Energy Revolution Is Upon Us

What is the solar revolution? I hear people talk about it every day, but what is it? Is it even real? People rail against reliance on coal, fractal mining for natural gas, pumping oil to power our cars, the list goes on... It wasn't but a year ago that the "Green Revolution" was upon us. Notice the "Revolution" term being thrown about. Makes it more exciting. How about the "Solar Revolution"? Is it upon us?   To put it plainly, yes the solar energy revolution is upon us, but probably not in the way you were expecting. The often touted solar revolution involves solar panels on every house and massive solar farms sprawling across the vast deserts of the world. I hate to be the bearer of bad new, as much as everyone would like, this will never be a reality. The first issue is there are just not enough high sun intensity climates to make this a reality. In order to make solar power feasible, the location needs a majority of intense cloudless sunlight per...

Sven Van Zanten - The Benefits of Solar Power

What are the benefits of solar power and how does solar energy work?   The simple answer is that the energy from the sun and light gets transformed by the solar panel into electrical energy.   The way people and businesses use solar energy to their advantages is growing by leaps and bounds.   Solar Energy for Businesses:   Large solar projects-Businesses have discovered that they have an untapped resource. Their roof tops and the sides of the buildings that they occupy have become a potential income source. Solar energy panels are showing up on business rooftops and the sides of buildings now. The economy of recent years has caused many businesses to rethink their expenses and assets. Solar technology has been able to help businesses reduce their energy costs.   Additional source of income- A business that produces more energy than it needs simply sells the energy back to the power company for an extra income stream. Businesses or maybe I sho...

Sven Van Zanten - Solar Power versus Generator - the Choice

The controversy over global warming has heated up, and people are taking another look at solar power versus generator. For those living outside the power grid, the second look may save not only the green in the rain forest, but also the green in the bank.   Many who live "off the grid" in isolated locations have traditionally relied on generators for electrical power. Others have installed generators for back-up, emergency electrical power. Neither thought there was a choice, but now there is a choice: solar power versus generator.   In this article, we look at the choice. Which is more economical; more convenient; more environmentally friendly? Should you make the change?   Solar Power versus Generator - Cost   The cost of solar power versus generator is much less over the long term.   The initial cost of a solar power system will be greater than that of a generator system. This is often the reason people install a generator rather than choo...

Sven van Zanten: Innovator and Visionary Behind Seneca Techniek

Sven van Zanten, the passionate entrepreneur and driving force behind Seneca Techniek, has long been dedicated to harnessing the power of renewable energy and promoting sustainability. As the founder and business owner of this certified solar panel installation company, Sven has built a strong reputation for delivering top-quality service, safety, and craftsmanship in the industry. With an educational background in electrical installations, Sven's journey into the world of solar energy was a natural progression. Combining his technical expertise with a passion for environmental stewardship, he established Seneca Techniek with a clear mission: to help homeowners and businesses transition to clean energy sources, reduce their carbon footprint, and save on energy costs. Under Sven's leadership, Seneca Techniek has quickly become a trusted name in solar panel installation. The company's commitment to safety and quality is evident in their rigorous certification process, ensur...

Sven Van Zanten - Advanced Technologies in Relation to the Renewable Energy

Someday, technological innovations will be available to anyone. These technologies will aid in reducing biological hazards and environmental dangers. Someday, those technologies may even be found unthinkable as creations but they will be successfully utilized. This is true in connection to the renewable energy technologies.   Today, technicians and engineers are constantly hard at work trying to create world-class technologies. Day by day, news and reports are announced to inform the general public about the various inventions that are safe, Eco-friendly and important to mankind. Through research, one can discover that countries are creating their very own renewable energy technology to help save the planet from destruction brought about by the accumulation of pollution, specifically man-made pollution.   The environmental pollution has meet its match   The world is going green to safeguard the Earth from total obliteration.   At present, the technological innovation...

Sven van Zanten: de gedreven en gepassioneerde kracht achter het succes van Seneca Techniek

In de wereld van duurzame energie in de regio van Breda is er één naam die steeds vaker opduikt: Sven van Zanten. Als de trotse eigenaar van Seneca Techniek, een InstallQ erkend installateur van zonnepanelen, heeft Van Zanten zijn passie voor techniek en duurzaamheid weten om te zetten in een succesvol en betrouwbaar bedrijf. Zijn gedrevenheid en professionaliteit zijn de drijvende kracht achter het innovatieve bedrijf dat zich volledig richt op het leveren van groene energie-oplossingen voor zowel particulieren als bedrijven.   Vanaf het begin heeft Sven van Zanten een duidelijke focus gehad: het stimuleren van de overgang naar een duurzame toekomst door middel van techniek. Dankzij zijn jarenlange ervaring in de branche en zijn ongeëvenaarde expertise op het gebied van zonne-energie, heeft Van Zanten een betrouwbare en professionele reputatie weten op te bouwen. Klanten weten dat ze op Seneca Techniek kunnen vertrouwen voor een eerlijk advies en een zorgvuldige installatie va...